2023 Chapter Officers

Letter from the Regent

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded on October 11, 1890, during a time that was marked by a revival in patriotism and intense interest in the beginnings of the United States of America. Women felt the desire to express their patriotic feelings and were frustrated by their exclusion from men’s organizations formed to perpetuate the memory of ancestors who fought to make this country free and independent. As a result, a group of pioneering women in the nation’s capital formed their own organization and the Daughters of the American Revolution has carried the torch of patriotism ever since.

The objectives laid forth in the first meeting of the DAR have remained the same in 125 years of active service to the nation. Those objectives are: Historical – to perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American Independence; Educational – to carry out the injunction of Washington in his farewell address to the American people, “to promote, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge, thus developing an enlightened public opinion…”; and Patriotic – to cherish, maintain, and extend the institutions of American freedom, to foster true patriotism and love of country, and to aid in securing for mankind all the blessings of liberty.

Since its founding in 1890, DAR has admitted more than 950,000 members.

Martha Washington

Martha Dandridge Custis Washington (June 2, 1731 — May 22, 1802) was the wife of George Washington, the first president of the United States. Although the title was not coined until after her death, Martha Washington served as the inaugural first lady of the United States. During her lifetime, she was often referred to as "Lady Washington".

Jennifer Hope

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Robin Kuhlman

Each member of your chapter's leadership has a unique story to tell. Use these biography sections to allow site visitors to learn more about the current chapter leaders. Contact information can also be loaded in for phone, email, or many social media platforms. 

Adele Ellen
Recording Secretary

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Priscilla Lynn
Corresponding Secretary

Each member of your chapter's leadership has a unique story to tell. Use these biography sections to allow site visitors to learn more about the current chapter leaders. Contact information can also be loaded in for phone, email, or many social media platforms. 

Vicky Mayer
Organizing Secretary

Each member of your chapter's leadership has a unique story to tell. Use these biography sections to allow site visitors to learn more about the current chapter leaders. Contact information can also be loaded in for phone, email, or many social media platforms. 

Kathleen Philips

Each member of your chapter's leadership has a unique story to tell. Use these biography sections to allow site visitors to learn more about the current chapter leaders. Contact information can also be loaded in for phone, email, or many social media platforms. 

Susan Davis

Each member of your chapter's leadership has a unique story to tell. Use these biography sections to allow site visitors to learn more about the current chapter leaders. Contact information can also be loaded in for phone, email, or many social media platforms. 

Lee Holbert

Each member of your chapter's leadership has a unique story to tell. Use these biography sections to allow site visitors to learn more about the current chapter leaders. Contact information can also be loaded in for phone, email, or many social media platforms. 

Cheryl Brown

Each member of your chapter's leadership has a unique story to tell. Use these biography sections to allow site visitors to learn more about the current chapter leaders. Contact information can also be loaded in for phone, email, or many social media platforms. 

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